
Training for all levels

We offer a range of training options, taking into account each player’s goals and level. Our coaches are always ready to help and advise players personally. Come for a one-on-one or group session, or just come with friends.
Enjoy an active lifestyle playing squash together.

For children

Are you aiming for a career as an athlete and to reach the top of the world? Do you want to start playing squash as early as possible? Or do you just want to be part of the process of building healthy habits? We’re happy to support your determination to achieve this and offer a range of different opportunities to start playing squash from an early age.

For adults

Do you enjoy an active lifestyle and want to work out regularly? Or would you like to improve your squash playing skills? We have the option to come and play on your own or with a coach in a one-to-one or group session, whichever best suits your schedule and goals.

For adults

Take your own racket or let us know on the spot if you want to rent. Everything else is available on site.

BEGINNER squash players:
On Mondays at 18.00-19.00 group training with a coach. Price 25€/per session.
On Wednesday 18.00-19.00 group training with a coach. Price 25€ per session.

ADVANCED squash players:
On Mondays at 19.00-20.30 group training with a coach. Price 35€/per session.
On Tuesday 18.00-19.30 group training with a coach. Price 35€ per session.

Every Tuesday at 19.30- 21.00. Price 20€/per session.
We welcome everyone, beginners and advanced players alike, for a friendly training session. During the training we will try to play with everyone and share experiences and the coach will also give tips on how to improve your squash skills if you wish.

Squash club night - Wednesdays at 18.00

Both active amateurs and inexperienced players are welcome! If you like to play against different opponents or you want to practice more but can't find a partner, the club night format is a great solution. Squash club nights offer the opportunity to play with different opponents, as we generally try to play everyone during the training session. During the off court time, you will get tips and guidance from experienced players and we will also do general physical exercises together.

Group training women Wednesdays 12.00-13.00

We welcome women of all ages to train together. Under the guidance of a trainer, you will learn the rules of squash and improve your skills for competition, as well as general physical exercises to ensure you are ready for a good squash game on the court.

Group training advanced T and N at 18.00-19.00

We welcome squash enthusiasts of all ages to improve their skills. With the guidance of a coach, you can take your squash skills to the next level and strengthen your overall fitness.

Group training for beginners Tuesdays at 17.00 - 18.00

We welcome squash enthusiasts of all ages. Under the guidance of a trainer, you will learn the rules of squash and improve your skills for competition, as well as general physical form to ensure you are ready for a good squash game on the court.

For children

Mon-Fri 13.00-14.00 Squash group training for children aged 6 - 9.
Mon-Fri 15.00-16.00 Squash group training for children aged 10 and up (suitable for players of different levels).

Junior training (14-18 years old) Mon-Fri 15.30-17.00.

Junior training (9-13 years old) Tue and Sun 14.30 - 15.30

Mud children's training (6-8 years old) Wednesdays at 13.00-14.00.